b'Catalysts of ProgressMRI of patient with a ccRCC (right kidney) is used to generate a tumor mold using 3D printing technology. Legend: (K) kidney,(S) spleen, (T) tumorRadiogenomicsAn Imaging SPORE Core Facility developsvariation (radiogenomics). atezolizumab to measure the expression of novel imaging technologies to visualizeUsing a cyclotron, the Core developsPD-L1, a cell surface protein that turns the renal tumors. The Core draws from multipletracers to inform on the biology and proper- immune system off (see page 48).modalities, including MRI (magnetic reso- ties of tumors. Virtually any molecule canIn addition, the Core also supports rou-nance imaging) and PET (positron emissionbe labeled using the cyclotron and turnedtine monitoring of tumors in mouse models tomography). It takes advantage of uniqueinto a tracer. Recent examples include thewith MRI and PET systems designed for capabilities at UT Southwestern, includinglabeling of glucose and acetate to evaluatethese tasks. (Zhang et al., JCI Insight, 2017; a team of expert physicists, radiochemists,how tumors nurture themselves (see pageZhang et al., Clin Genitourin Cancer, 2016; and imaging specialists. 29). Another example is the labeling ofDwivedi et al., Urology, 2018)Novel techniques are expanding the role of current tests to include assessments of tumor aggressiveness, heterogeneity, metabolism (see page 29), and blood flow.MEET ALANA CHRISTIE, M.S.,These approaches provide new insights inBIOSTATISTICS CO-LEADERtumor biology and how different interven-tions (i.e., treatments) affect it.With an M.S. in biostatistics from the A distinctive platform using 3D-printedUniversity of Oklahoma, Alana Christie molds of renal tumors was developed a Dallas born and raised professional by Dr. Pedrosa, Director of the Core, to has become a cornerstone of the learn how physical properties of the tumorKidney Cancer Program. Alana oversees affect how the tumor is visualized. Thisall aspects, from data extraction to process allows vertical integration ofanalyses to experimental design. She imaging features and pathology. Overlaidplays critical roles in Kidney Cancer on this architecture are innovative genomicExplorer and nearly every research analyses led by Tao Wang, Ph.D., usingproject from the program. next-generation sequencing technolo-gies to identify genomic determinants of 70 71'