An annual event convenes patients and community members for presentations on the latest discoveries and small-group Q&A sessions with experts around topics of their interest.

Tours of the research facilities introduce community members to ongoing research, followed by informal receptions providing opportunities for one-on-one interactions.

By donating material from surgeries and participating in clinical trials, patients contribute to the advancement of kidney cancer research.

Through the assistance of patient navigators, patients explore their options in the Kidney Cancer Program and Simmons Cancer Center.

A variety of programs offer support to patients and families.

Referring to Energy, Mind, Body, Relationships, Active nutrition, Creativity and Expression, this weekly seminar series empowers patients across the domains of life.

In Their Own Words
“Someone who isn’t going through the disease process can’t really tell you what the experience is like. But when you meet a fellow cancer patient with the same kind of cancer you have and they are walking the same journey as you, it’s such a piece of comfort.” Merlinda Chelette, patient advocate



Fueling Research

New patients are assisted by patient navigators that introduce them to the Kidney Cancer Program.
- Liaisons between the Kidney Cancer Program and the community
- Represent patient voice for research advancement
- Help develop educational programming
- Raise awareness by participating in community and research-related activities
- Orchestrate, coordinate volunteer efforts
- Assist patients and caregivers in navigating the kidney cancer landscape
- Help connect patients support services
- Provide added emotional support

Support Each Other
Walking the Same Journey, by Merlinda Chelette
“Someone who isn’t going through the disease process can’t really tell you what the experience is like, but when you meet a fellow cancer patient with the same kind of cancer you have, and they are walking the same journey as you, it’s such a piece of comfort.”

Harvesting, storing, and processing patient tissues to support our extensive research efforts.